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MeccaGodZilla - ERROARS

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The current situation in my 2nd home is just the toughest thing for me to experience. My extended family, friends, artists alike and fans are out there, all through Japan, toughing things out. To assist with the recovery efforts I created 2 shirts below, that you can order and 100% of the net proceeds from the sales of these tees will go to Japan's Tsunami, Earthquake, disaster relief efforts via the American Red Cross.

100% cotton. Baby tees for Women and regular tees for Men available below!
Please support if you are able and pass this on to friends, any help is much appreciated. Sometimes when something impacts 1 part of the world, other parts of the world don't really understand the magnitude of the situations. Rock these teeshirts to spread awareness in your city of what happened to Japan! One Love!
MEN's - MeccaGodZilla Rising Sun Tee

WOMEN's - MeccaGodZilla Rising Sun Tee

MEN's MeccaGodZilla Phenom Tee

WOMEN's MeccaGodZilla Phenom Tee

meccagodzilla, japan, benefit, disaster, tsunami, tshirt, baby, tees, donation, red cross, clothing, t shirt, hip hop